Required data:
- the founders (shareholders) data: name, surname, personal identification number, address of the declared place of residence. If the founder is a legal person – name of company, company code, Office address, Director’s name, surname, personal code, the Articles of association, registration certificate (statement). When the founder is a foreign legal person – confirming that the founder is registered in the register of legal persons of a foreign State;
- the Director’s name, surname, personal identification number, address of the declared place of residence;
- AB name;
- companie’s home address in goals (if premises are owned by a individual person, the Agreement must be certified by a notary; if the premises owner is a legal person, the Agreement must be signed by the legal entity Manager and certified seal of a legal person; if the premises are pledged to the Bank’ s consent is required);
- information on what percentage of shares will be managed;
- prospective for the amount of the authorised capital;
- contacts (phone number, e-mail address),
- establishment of public limited company within 3 work days.
AB establishing price – €550 (price includes: our services, notary and registration in the register of legal persons charges).